
Async memory session store crashing because get/set methods are sync not async

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hey, I've been trying to use the supabase python client - ironically to speed up my development but have instead spent the last few days bughunting hah. I was trying to get the session and I kept getting NoneType await/async errors. Removed the async declaration of this method (as it never actually awaits anything) and it works.

I'm not a python dev so unsure if I'm best placed to fix this, but the bug is real and should be an easy one for someone who knows the stack - picked python for this project as all the fun ml libs are on this side of the fence.


Edit: found another bit while digging. The async auth client had this at _storage < object at 0x109001110>

Are you using this library directly or using it through the supabase python package? If through the supabase package please upgrade to the latest version (2.3.3) and this should be fixed.

Closing this out as it's had no reply from OP for over a month.