
🪩 parti is cluster sharding via raft over gRPC

Primary LanguageGo



Parti provides a simple, partitioned messaging framework across a cluster of nodes. Send a message for a given partition to any node in the cluster, and the message will be forwarded to the node that owns that partition. The cluster will automatically rebalance as nodes are added and removed. Under the hood, Parti uses hashicorp/raft to distribute work and manage membership.

Message Forwarding Diagram


# run node 1
make run1
# run node 2 (in another terminal)
make run2
# run node 3 (in another terminal)
make run3

# observe the partitions by asking node 1
go run ./client stats --addr

# ping a partition from a given node
go run ./client ping --addr --partition 0
go run ./client ping --addr --partition 9

# send a message to various partitions and observe it forward
# curl 'localhost:50001/send?partition=9&message=msg2'
go run ./example send --partition 0 --addr hello world
# curl 'localhost:50001/send?partition=1&message=msg1'
go run ./example send --partition 9 --addr hello world

Proposed rebalance procedure

  1. tell all nodes the pause the partition
  2. confirm with prior owner that they have shut down (or confirm they are dead and not in the cluster)
  3. inform all nodes of the new owner and that it's started