
ros package for handling move_base to follow sequence of waypoints

Primary LanguagePython

way points manager

how to

  1. clone package into a ros catkin workspace
  2. run catkin_make under that workspace
  3. source devel/setup.bash from that workspace
  4. run roslaunch way_points_manager sample.launch


Edit config/sample.yaml to edit/add/remove waypoints. For each waypoint, pose information has to be provided, including point and orientation.

create new mission

  1. Copy config/sample.yaml and edit the waypoints.
  2. Copy launch/sample.launch and edit the launch file to load the new yaml file you just created.
  3. source devel/setup.bash from that workspace
  4. run roslaunch way_points_manager the_new_file_you_just_created.launch