
ReferenceProxy causes java.lang.VerifyError: Bad local variable type

BullyWiiPlaza opened this issue · 0 comments

Bug Report

Expected Behaviour

After obfuscation the program runs without crashing.

Actual Behaviour

>java -jar "Mario Kart 8 Trainer-Obfus.jar"
Error: Unable to initialize main class TrainerGUILauncher
Caused by: java.lang.VerifyError: Bad local variable type
Exception Details:
    TrainerGUILauncher.lIlllllIlIlIllIlIIl(Ljava/lang/Object;)I @41: aload_3
    Type top (current frame, locals[3]) is not assignable to reference type
  Current Frame:
    bci: @41
    flags: { }
    locals: { 'java/lang/Object', 'java/lang/Object' }
    stack: { }
    0000000: 014e 1266 1283 03bd 0053 4c2b b600 574c
    0000010: 2b04 b600 5d03 bd00 044d 2b2a 2cb6 0061
    0000020: 4ea7 0008 4c2b b600 642d b800 89ac
  Exception Handler Table:
    bci [0, 33] => handler: 36
  Stackmap Table:

How to reproduce the behaviour

  • Obfuscate the JAR with the following config:
  "input": "Mario Kart 8 Trainer.jar",
  "output": "Mario Kart 8 Trainer-Obfus.jar",
  "script": "function isRemappingEnabledForClass(node) {\n    return false;\n}\nfunction isObfuscatorEnabledForClass(node) {\n    return true;\n}",
  "Crasher": {
    "Enabled": false
  "InvokeDynamic": {
    "Enabled": false
  "Optimizer": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Replace String.equals()": false,
    "Replace String.equalsIgnoreCase()": false,
    "Optimize static string calls": false
  "LineNumberRemover": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Rename local variables": true,
    "Remove Line Numbers": true,
    "Remove Debug Names": true,
    "Add Local Variables": true,
    "New SourceFile Name": ""
  "StringEncryption": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "HideStrings": true,
    "AES": false
  "NumberObfuscation": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Extract to Array": true,
    "Obfuscate Zero": true,
    "Shift": true,
    "And": true,
    "Multiple Instructions": true
  "ReferenceProxy": {
    "Enabled": false
  "ShuffleMembers": {
    "Enabled": false
  "InnerClassRemover": {
    "Enabled": false,
    "Remap": false,
    "Remove Metadata": false
  "NameObfuscation": {
    "Enabled": true
  "Packager": {
    "Enabled": false,
    "Use MainClass from the JAR manifest": true,
    "Main class": "org.example.Main"
  "FlowObfuscator": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Mangle Comparisons": true,
    "Replace GOTO": true,
    "Replace If": true,
    "Bad POP": true,
    "Bad Concat": true,
    "Mangle Switches": true,
    "Mangle Return": false,
    "Mangle Local Variables": false
  "HideMembers": {
    "Enabled": true
  "Inlining": {
    "Enabled": false
  • Run the JAR
  • It crashes with the above exception