
Failed to compile Script

yStreakBR opened this issue · 2 comments

Bug Report

Expected Behaviour

Tell us what you wanted to do. If you think that everyone knows, what you expected (for example, if the program just crashed), you can skip this section

Actual Behaviour

Tell us what happened. If there is an Exception please attach it.

Failed to load script
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to compile Script
at me.superblaubeere27.jobf.utils.script.JObfScript.(
at me.superblaubeere27.jobf.JObfImpl.processJar(
at me.superblaubeere27.jobf.JObf.main(
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "javax.script.ScriptEngine.eval(String)" because "this.jsEngine" is null
at me.superblaubeere27.jobf.utils.script.JObfScript.(
... 2 more

How to reproduce the behaviour

Tell us how to reproduce the wrong behaviour of the program. If it's an error which has to do this the obfuscation please always attach the configuration.
(To get the config open the obfuscator in GUI-Mode, goto Config, enable PrettyPrint and press Build)

java -jar obfuscator.jar --jarIn zBedWars.jar --jarOut zBedWars-1.0.jar

Possible fix

If you have no idea then you can just skip this section ^^

The repository

doesn't compile. It is a shit.