
Run on primary API

rubys opened this issue · 0 comments

rubys commented

Create a mechanism to run a shell script (or equivalent) on the primary host and return the results. That could be HTTP POST, write a magic file, whatever.

This proposal could either be a complement or a replacement to the HTTP Query API, and addresses the issue that not only is a full replacement for the sqlite3 gem/npm module/whatever for each language is both a large task and likely an impossible one, but that such would need to be integrated into ORMs for each language to be a full plug-compatible replacement.

For Rails, that script could be bin/rails runner, which would have full access to all that ActiveRecord has to offer, both in terms of a familiar API and functionality. It also gives the application developer full control over checking for pre-conditions given that the database may have changed from when the request was made and the request was executed.