
prefix dependency broken?

lerayj opened this issue · 3 comments

One of your dependency dom-transform have prefix as depencency which seems to be broken.
prefix looking for the file browser.js, which is not downloaded on npm use, but it's present on the GitHub repo: prefix repo

Am I right?

Hi Julien !
You are perfectly right the prefix module seems a bit broken on NPM.
Are you experiencing a problem in particular ?
The color picker seems to be working fine on my end.

Actually your package does not work for me due to this dependency issue.
My project fail and ask me to npm install browser.js (which is bullshit, browser.js is just a file not a package).

I've to manually add missing file on the dependency to make it work...
I don't want to do that so I found an other colorPicker with no dependency.

Just wanted to tell you the issue ;)

arkon commented

I made a PR to prefix that should fix it.