With cursor I have to look away from the keyboard to add each character
bknill opened this issue · 2 comments
I'm using this with the cursor component in 0.9.0.
I can easily set the first character, to set the next one I have to look away from the keyboard, and then look on it again to set another character.
'super-keyboard' : {
font: 'roboto',
labelColor: darkViolet,
inputColor: darkViolet,
imagePath: '/assets/images/',
keyHoverColor: darkViolet,
keyPressColor: violet,
keyBgColor: backgroundViolet,
keyColor: backgroundViolet,
show: true
Cursor attributes
const cursorAttributes={
fuse: true,
fuseTimeout: cursorFuseTimeout,
const raycasterAttributes = {
objects: '.clickable',
recticle.setAttribute('cursor', cursorAttributes)
recticle.setAttribute('raycaster', raycasterAttributes)
This is still happening.
I.e. I select a character, with the cursor focused on the keyboard. I then want to select another character, and nothing will select until I completely look away from the keyboard and then look at it again.
Is there something I can set in the raycaster to let it select another character while still looking at the keyboard?
Otherwise this will have to be explained to the user but it's ugly.
fuse cursor isn't supported, also awkward since you have to wait a good amount of time for each char.
if you are focusing on cardboard, most cardboards support click