
fps-counter affect FPS

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi there.

Thanks for all your wonderful work contributing to A-Frame!

I'm a little concerned about the fps-counter component. Such a component needs to be very sensitive to FPS, both measuring and impacting, and I'm not sure the component is 'careful' enough with regard to DOM access and garbage collection.


  • it creates a new anonymous function (to pass to setTimeout) every tick
  • it accesses the DOM (.innerHTML) every tick
  • it parses floats from text every tick
  • it formats floats (.toFixed) every tick
  • it requires the stats component (and keeps parsing its DOM)

I'm not good enough at A-Frame to know if this is a big deal, but it seemed to be a problem for me. I ended up writing my own version of fps-counter:

AFRAME.registerComponent( 'fps-counter', {

	init() {
		this.el.setAttribute( 'text', { align: 'center', side: 'double', color: 'white' } );
		this.ticksSinceLastInterval = 0;
		setInterval( () => {			
			this.ticksToDisplay = this.ticksSinceLastInterval.toString();
			this.ticksSinceLastInterval = 0;
		}, 1000 );

	tick() {
		if ( this.ticksToDisplay !== undefined ) {
			this.el.setAttribute( 'text', 'value', this.ticksToDisplay );
			this.ticksToDisplay = undefined;
} );

Thanks! That may be a better route...would maybe want to do some weighted average so it's not erratic.

Actually erratic is quite good, since frame drops normally happen suddenly and don't last long (i.e. when some model/texture is first loaded). So you want to be able to see it.

A better solution would be the stats counters' moving graph, but that's probably too much for a simple component