
The Deuce

Primary LanguageElixir


This is the reboot of Eavesdrop (described here). The goal is to provide a generic backend which can function against ANY music service. My idea is to build a simple prototype frontend in Elm which will talk to a web module in this library. That web module may start life as a Plug or it may be a full Phoenix application; TBD.

In the mean time, feel free to play with this simple example

iex -S mix run

iex(1)> EavesdropOTP.user_signin "sean"
Hi sean, welcome back
iex(2)> EavesdropOTP.play_track "Memphis Bells"
You are now listening to Memphis Bells on Rdio
iex(3)> EavesdropOTP.user_stop
iex(4)> EavesdropOTP.play_track "Soul Meets Body"
You are now listening to Soul Meets Body on Rdio
iex(5)> EavesdropOTP.user_signout
See you next time
signin idle play


cd into the repo and run a mix do deps.get, deps.compile, then run the project with iex -S mix