
showing the issues with getHasuraClaims

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Nhost with Next.js Server Components

This quickstart showcases how to correctly add authentication to a Next.js 13 project using the new App Router and Server Components. The other parts of the SDK (Storage / GraphQL/ Functions) should work the same as before.


  1. Saving the auth session

    To enable authentication with Server Components we have to store the auth session in a cookie. This should be done right after any signIn or signUp operation. See example here.

  2. Oauth & refresh session middleware

    Create a middleware at the root of your project that calls the helper method manageAuthSession. Feel free to copy paste the the contents of the /utils folder to your project. The second argument for manageAuthSession is for handling the case where there's an error refreshing the current session with the refreshToken stored in the cookie.

    import { manageAuthSession } from '@utils/nhost'
    import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from 'next/server'
    export async function middleware(request: NextRequest) {
      return manageAuthSession(request, () =>
        NextResponse.redirect(new URL('/auth/sign-in', request.url))
  3. Protected routes

    To make sure only authenticated users access some Server Components, wrap them in the Higher Order Server Component withAuthAsync.

    import withAuthAsync from '@utils/auth-guard'
    const MyProtectedServerComponent = async () => {
      return <h2>Protected</h2>
    export default withAuthAsync(MyProtectedServerComponent)

Get Started

  1. Clone the repository

    git clone https://github.com/nhost/nhost
    cd nhost
  2. Install and build dependencies

    pnpm install
    pnpm build
  3. Terminal 1: Start the Nhost Backend

    Make sure you have the Nhost CLI installed.

    cd examples/quickstarts/nhost-backend
    nhost up
  4. Terminal 2: Start the Next.js application

    cd examples/quickstarts/nextjs-server-components
    pnpm dev