Vitesse - Opinionated Vite Starter Template with Nhost and Quasar support

Live Demo

Frontend Features


UI Frameworks

  • UnoCSS - The instant on-demand atomic CSS engine.
  • Quasar - Quasar framework.



Coding Style

Dev tools

Backend Features

For backend I will use Nhost features:

  • Database
  • GraphQL
  • Auth
  • Storage
  • Serverless Function



Prepare local backend with nhost-cli. Please instal cli as described here. Then move to the nhost-demo-template folder

Onesignal integration - Create on the Onesignal web new Web Application, with origin http://localhost:4010. Then fill this env variables in the nhost-demo-template folder - in the file .env.development

ONE_SIGNAL_REST_API_KEY=your rest api key from Onesignal web
ONE_SIGNAL_APP_ID=your APP_ID from Onesignal web
cd nhost-demo-template
nhost up

You may see Hasura Console here: http://localhost:1337

Onesignal integration - If you want use Onesignal you need add these variables to the .env.development file in the frontend folder.


Then you may run

cd frontend
npx vite --port=4010

Just run and visit http://localhost:4010


To build the App, run

cd frontend
pnpm build

And you will see the generated file in dist that ready to be served.

Deploy on Netlify

Go to Netlify and select your clone, OK along the way, and your App will be live in a minute. Don't forget use frontend folder as root folder. Please do not forget set this ENV variables on the Netlify site:

VITE_FRONTEND_URL - front end URL address ( without / at the end)
VITE_NHOST_REGION - region from your Nhost app
VITE_NHOST_SUBDOMAIN - subdomain from your Nhost app

If you want use OnseSignal integration, you must register new application on the Onesignal web, for your netlify URL origin }or some custom domain).

Then you need add this ENV variable:

VITE_ONESIGNAL_APP_ID - App id of the new web on one signal. Will be different from local dev.


I have been using Hasura GraphQL Engine as a backend for my projects for a long time. Now, after a long time, I found the Nhost cloud solution and I have to say that, except for a few minor things (e.g. email templates only in the paid version), this product suits me.

In the same way, I used the Vitesse template for my projects, so I decided to extend it with Nhost Serverless Functions. In my opinion, it is a combination of some of the best things available now.

It is a complex solution and I will be happy if this template contributes to the expansion of already published examples and templates.