
thumb style

Opened this issue · 5 comments

how can ı change thumb border thickness and thumb border color

Currently it isn't possible to change the thumb style. Can you post an image of what you would like your progress bar to look like? If there are enough people who need this feature (indicate that with a thumbs up on the original post), I'm willing to consider implementing it. In the mean time, you'll need to copy the source code to your project and edit it yourself.

i need this development, i will make it myself and send it to you. If you see fit, you can share it with other users.

Rather than adding more styling options, I wonder if we should make the thumb a widget itself. Then the thumb widget could have any sort of styling the user could imagine.

Rather than adding more styling options, I wonder if we should make the thumb a widget itself. Then the thumb widget could have any sort of styling the user could imagine.

that would be great @suragch
so sometimes we want TimeLabel inside the thumb in that particular case thumb as a widget would be a blessing.