
XQuery Libary for DHIS2 and DXF support using CSD

Primary LanguageJavaScript


XQuery Libary for DHIS2 and DXF support using CSD

It makes use of the OpenInfoMan software https://github.com/openhie/openinfoman

It can be used for importing and exporting CSD to DHIS2

Ubuntu Installation

You can easily install on Ubuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu 14.10 using the following commands

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openhie/release
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openinfoman-dhis

Once installed, you should be able to access OpenInfoMan at:


Manual Installation

Assumes that you have installed BaseX and OpenInfoMan according to:


and the OpenInfoMan CSV adapter


and the FunctX XQuery Library:

 basex -Vc "REPO INSTALL http://files.basex.org/modules/expath/functx-1.0.xar"


cd ~/
git clone https://github.com/openhie/openinfoman-dhis
cd ~/openinfoman-dhis/repo
basex -Vc "REPO INSTALL dxf_1_0.xqm"
basex -Vc "REPO INSTALL dxf2csd.xqm "
cd ~/basex/resources/stored_query_definitions
ln -sf ~/openinfoman-dhis/resources/stored_query_definitions/* .
cd ~/basex/resources/stored_updating_query_definitions
ln -sf ~/openinfoman-dhis/resources/stored_updating_query_definitions/* .
cd ~/basex/webapp
ln -sf ~/openinfoman-dhis/webapp/openinfoman_dhis2_bindings.xqm
cd ~/basex/resources/service_directories/
ln -s ~/openinfoman-dhis/resources/service_directories/* .

Be sure to reload the stored functions:
