

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, @msaraiva

With LiveView planning to adopt PhxLiveStorybook, what's the future for Surface Catalogue?

Will it operate independently of it? Or will it be shut down since its goal is achieved? Or will it transfer some ideas to PhxLiveStorybook and continue extending them in new directions as Surface did with LiveView?

If it's the last case, do you have examples of what Surface Catalogue will do differently from PhxLiveStorybook?

Kudos to the team for the effort on Surface and its ecosystem. It has made "front-end" work in Elixir approachable.


Would love to have an answer on this, as it will probably guide whether or not we migrate from Surface back to pure LV at our work.

Sorry if it sounds a bit arrogant, as i love all the work, sweat and tears that have been put into Surface & co, just trying to decide on our UI tech direction :)

A happy new year to everyone !