
Somehow the default patch xml write was incomplete

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TLDR: This user set a factory default patch and didn't get the init default type key written so it didn't work. Cant repro but review the code to look for error paths.

prodquorax — Yesterday at 4:13 PM
Hey everyone! Quick question. I’m trying to create a custom default patch so that whenever I load Surge, I have certain settings already in place, like maxed-out polyphony, filters, and waveshaper enabled, etc. I set up a patch, saved it, and then used the main menu to save the current patch as default. However, whenever I reload Surge, it brings up the standard default patch instead of the one I just created.

Is this a bug, or is it intended to work like this? If it’s intentional, is there a way to set up a custom default patch to streamline my workflow when loading Surge?
baconpaul — Yesterday at 4:24 PM
Did you rename it?
There’s a bug like problem where if your template ad the factor patch have the same name it can get confused
But that is how it is intended to work yes
prodquorax — Yesterday at 4:33 PM
Yep, but as far as I can tell it still loads with the factory default patch. It would be a massive time saver if I could set up a patch with my settings as default to be honest
baconpaul — Yesterday at 4:34 PM
So in your documents surge xt file is a file named like surge user defaults.xml or similar. Can you attach it here?
prodquorax — Yesterday at 4:37 PM
This one right?
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?>
<!-- User Defaults for Surge XT Synthesizer -->
<defaults version="1">
  <default key="highPrecisionReadouts" value="0" type="2"/>
  <default key="modWindowShowsValues" value="1" type="2"/>
  <default key="sliderMoveRateState" value="2" type="2"/>
2 KB
baconpaul — Yesterday at 4:39 PM
Yeah and the patch and category in thst file exist? Then it really should work,
What’s your os? Looks like mac yeah?
And you see the patch in your user patches?
prodquorax — Yesterday at 4:40 PM
Yep I'm on MacOS
prodquorax — Yesterday at 4:40 PM
The category and patch are in my user patches folder, I renamed it just so it didn't contain any reference to Init so it doesn't get confused with the factory init one
baconpaul — Yesterday at 4:59 PM
Ok I’ll look when I’m next on my laptop. Oh also which version are you running?
prodquorax — Yesterday at 5:09 PM
I'm currently on the latest nightly. I tried this on the stable version too and happens the same thing
baconpaul — Yesterday at 5:51 PM
Hmm I just tried it and it worked here on my mac
Oh one thing I notices is my XML has this
  <default key="initialPatchName" value="NOODLE" type="1"/>
  <default key="initialPatchCategory" value="NOODLE" type="1"/>
  <default key="initialPatchCategoryType" value="User" type="1"/>
and you don't have that type line
Can you use a text editor to add that line? Do you know how to do that? (Fine if not  just don't want to assume)
If so then I need to look at how that key is written and why it would be missing
So add this to your XML
<default key="initialPatchCategoryType" value="User" type="1"/>
and try again
prodquorax — Yesterday at 7:49 PM
I need to add this line right below the init category one right? As your example says
I'm gonna try in a couple of hours and let you know if that solves the problem then
baconpaul — Yesterday at 7:56 PM
Yeah exactly
And if that solves it then we can open an issue tomorrow to stare at the code and figure out why you didn’t get it in your file
prodquorax — Yesterday at 9:15 PM
That actually seemed have solved my issue. It's weird that even if I've installed surge from scratch, because I  factory reseted my Mac some weeks ago, I didn't get this line as part of the xtml file neither from the stable nor from the latest nightlies
I'm not familiar with github to be honest, but if there's anything I could do to open an issue there I could try and do it 
baconpaul — Yesterday at 9:17 PM
I'll do it in the morning. glad that fixed it though. thank you!