
Video not deleted if file name contains an emoji (windows)

Opened this issue · 2 comments


The extension does not work if the file name contains an emoji (testtest ❤️.mp4 for example).

lua info: [vlc-delete] removing: C:/Users/Jonas/Desktop/testtest ❤️.mp4
lua info: [vlc-delete] windows detected
lua info: [vlc-delete] before string.gsub: C:/Users/Jonas/Desktop/testtest ❤️.mp4
lua info: [vlc-delete] after string.gsub: C:\Users\Jonas\Desktop\testtest ❤️.mp4
main info: playlist is empty
lua info: [vlc-delete] error: File does not exist

fileExists("\"" .. file .. "\"") fails to detect the file, but I don't know why...


Thanks for this issue.
Probability Windows needs another charset to handle ❤️ in file names.
I can't reconstruct or fix at the moment, but if you know any LuaScript expert, let him/her know 😉

surrim commented

It's probably the best to wait for Lua 5.3 support ("VLC uses Lua 5.1").
See Lua: how to make os.rename & os.remove work with filenames containing unicode characters?