
EasyAutocomplete Sorting & Usability Issues

ecc521 opened this issue · 0 comments

Current Behavior - the SurveyJS example demonstrates this issue perfectly:

Screen Shot 2022-03-04 at 5 32 50 PM

It should be obvious that the ordering is horrendous - No user starts typing in "Peugeot" with a "t" - they would start typing Toyota with a "t". Ultimately, this issue makes this library unusable with large autocomplete sets, as users need to type in a significant portion of the entire item before autocorrect even displays the item they want in the list.

EasyAutocomplete can be reconfigured to sort properly - is there any interest in doing this, or adding support for a better autocomplete option, given how EasyAutocomplete has not been updated (other than by dependabot) since October 5th, 2019 (so for nearly 3 years), and also fails to provide the basic feature of enter selects first element?