
Implement customisations to Properties/Questions

joshreid opened this issue · 3 comments

I'm having difficulty implementing customisations as per the docs - may be react usage specific?

Could you let me know if there's something I'm missing or how to implement in the following case?

Survey is not referenced elsewhere in this file - is it used internally by SurveyJSEditor?

Thanks in advance.

let editorOptions = { showEmbededSurveyTab: false, showJSONEditorTab:true, questionTypes:[ 'text', 'checkbox', 'radiogroup', 'dropdown', 'multipletext' ] }

// These make no difference to the editor...

//Add a tag property to all questions
Survey.JsonObject.metaData.addProperty("questionbase", "tag");

// Change the order of name and title properties, remove the startWithNewLine property and add a tag property
SurveyJSEditor.SurveyQuestionEditorDefinition.definition["questionbase"].properties = 
["title", "name", {name: "tag", title: "Tag"}, {name: "visible", category: "checks"}, {name: "isRequired", category: "checks"}];

// make visibleIf tab the second after general for all questions
SurveyJSEditor.SurveyQuestionEditorDefinition.definition["questionbase"].tabs = [{name: "visibleIf", index: 1}];

// Instantiate Editor
this.editor = new SurveyJSEditor.SurveyEditor('surveyEditorContainer', editorOptions)

// This does work as it should...
    this.editor.onCanShowProperty.add(function(sender, options){
      if(options.obj.getType() === 'survey') {
        options.canShow = === 'title'
      if(options.obj.getType() === 'page') {
        // Hide these options
        options.canShow = [ 'navigationButtonsVisibility', 'width' ].indexOf( < 0

You need just add import directive in the file to access Survey:

import * as Survey from 'survey-knockout';

Then you can use Survey for settings:

Survey.JsonObject.metaData.addProperty("questionbase", "tag");

Note, that Survey JS editor is using KnockoutJS platform of the SurveyJS library. That's why I wrote import from 'survey-knockout'.

Yes, Survey is used internally by Survey JS editor.

Ah that was why - I was importing Survey from 'survey-react' as per the implementation in app.js -

Thanks this is working as expected now.

I was trying to customize questions/properties in react-surveyjs editor.
I required survey-knockout package.But now I am getting this error.

Uncaught Error: Component survey is already registered
    at Object.ko.components.register (knockout.ts:60)
    at Object.<anonymous> (knockout.ts:60)
    at __webpack_require__ (knockout.ts:60)
    at Object.<anonymous> (knockout.ts:60)
    at __webpack_require__ (knockout.ts:60)
    at __webpack_exports__.b (knockout.ts:60)
    at knockout.ts:60
    at webpackUniversalModuleDefinition (knockout.ts:60)
    at Object.<anonymous> (knockout.ts:60)
    at __webpack_require__ (bootstrap 23ee73db2ae19b465b9b:9)

I guess this issue is because of conflict between survey-react and survey-knockout packages.
Could you let me know how to use both of them in single App.