
Why no table style

narukeh opened this issue · 3 comments

a table without a simple style looks really dumb. So why not have at least sth as simple as this:

table, th, td {
  border: 1px solid #aaa;
  border-collapse: collapse;
  overflow: auto;
  padding: 2px 5px;


(And btw, do you happen to know why firefox does not respect the theme i chose? Its not just with your index.html , its with all. I have chosen the dark theme, though websites still offer me the light verions)

susam commented

Thank you for the suggestion. I have added a style for table now in commit ff15568. A copy of it is available at It will be available on the CDNs on the next release (sometime next week).

I don't know what issue you might be facing with Firefox. I enable dark theme at the operating system level (Apple menu > System Preferences > General > Appearance, on macOS Catalina 10.15.7). This works for me. If an operating system does not have a setting like this, then the MDN Web Docs has a workaround here that too works for me. The workaround involves going to about:config, then creating a new preference named ui.systemUsesDarkTheme of numeric type, and setting its value to 1. I hope that helps.

Thanks for replying. Great news. Also thanks for the siggestion, i will try that out.

susam commented

A minimal style for the <table> element is now available in version 0.6.0. See the changelog for more details.