
This little project is my humble attempt two bridge to worlds 🚠. The world of web apps and the world of native apps. Using react native and react dom. Majority of code share the same base. This means that almost every screen and component you see is a universal one, shared between those two platforms. This reduces the codebase to maintain, thus reducing the cost of development 💰!

Tech 🛠

Watch out the bugs

This code is still really messy! There's no proper error handling, some things don't work.

Building and contributing

If you want to check the code yourself, make some changes or add something to it you are more then welcome! You need to have create-react-app scripts installed Fork or clone the repo and run:

yarn install


npm install

Here are the scripts:

yarn start - run the native react metro bundler

yarn start-ios - run the native react ios app in iOS Simulator

yarn start-web - run the react web app in the browser

yarn build - build the web app

To do 📋

  • a module to provide a coherent way to navigate on both platforms
  • proper error handling
  • enhance Performance
  • bug fixes