
HTML templating of JSX inside Coffee-script backticks

Closed this issue · 3 comments


First of all-- this is not a feature that should be added to this project. I'm just hoping for some input from you guys.

  1. is there any way to convert the XML .tmLanguage structure back to a .JSON-tmLanguage? None of the tutorials I've found deal with straight xml.
  2. Per this issue: facebook/react#47 I am writing coffeescript with facebook React JSX. The JSX is inside backticks so that it is templated nicely into JSX which is then compiled into JS. I'd like to be able to use sublime's HTML templating inside any coffeescript backticks.

How would I do that? Is this even possible? Can language packages reference other packages? I'll be making my own branch of this project, but I'm curious for all your input.

Sorry for the noob questions! I'll close this issue in 48 hours.

Did you manage to do anything on this? Looking for a solution myself

Same here
