
AI that plays chess endgames, it uses states and alpha beta pruning. It is functional for all stages of the game, but only performs well on mid-game to end-game scenarios.

Primary LanguagePython


Navigate inside the SimpleChessAI directory.  To run, type the command

    python3 chess.py [initialBoard] [ExplorationStrategy]

Where the initialBoard argument is an int between 1 and 6 that determines which
inital boards (A, B, or C) that will be solved by the program.  The numbers 1-3
represent the given boards from the lab2 assignment.  Board 4 is a regular 
chess board.  Board 5 is a complicated chess board where white has the 
advantage. Board 6 simply has one of each of the kings.

The ExplorationStrategy argument is an int between 1 and 2 that determines 
which of our two exploration strategies will be employed by the AI.
For example, the command

    python3 chess.py 3 1

will solve puzzle C using exploration strategy one.  The command

    python3 chess.py 1 2

will solved puzzle A using exploration strategy two.

For enabling EnPassant, uncomment the lines 484-489 and 507-515 in Piece.py under the subclass Pawn in the method move(). Then in chessGUI.py, uncomment lines 91-99 in the method computerMove()

Use of the GUI is fairly intuitive - you will be prompted visually by the
colors of the squares you click on.  HOWEVER, one element is not obvious.  In
order to get the AI to select a move, you will need to first click on the 
board. The AI will then go through the somewhat lengthy process of selecting a 
move.  Do not click the board during this period.  Afterwards, the player can
make their move, then afterwards will need to click the board once more to 
prompt the AI to select its next move.