
A question answering system that reads input questions and documents with answers to find the most probable answers

Primary LanguageRoffMIT LicenseMIT

One must have pip installed to download all the libraries needed to run this class:

Then do the following:

pip install scikit-learn
pip install nltk
pip install -U spacy
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
python -m spacy validate

Then, to use stopwords, lemmatizer and pos tagging, the following must be downloaded,
run this on your python interpreter:

nltk.download('stopwords') if stop words not downloaded already

After this to run the code:
python3 main.py
This generates the prediction files for test and training

Uncomment line 345 to 355 to also generate test predictions

PLEASE NOTE : The train prediction file is called prediction.txt where as test prediction file is called test_prediction.txt
For using inferior #Extraction Strategy 2 as explained  in the report when the WriteToFile() method is invoked on lines 339 and 354, the method NER.getAnsFromQuestionListWithContext() 
should be used instead of NER.getAnsFromQuestionList.