
Repo for creating a docker containg spring boot, postgresql and react.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Create Backend Docker file

This project uses React as a Frontend and Springboot as a backend, with the help of postgresql. In order to create a docker file, we need to first setup the images needed. For then to create a docker file.

Two ways to go

You have here two ways to go one is to create everything for learning purpose or use the prebuild docker-images located at docker hub.

If you want to created everything follow the instructions below. If you just want to run it, download docker-compose.yml and run docker-compose up from the folder that contains the compose file. And it will download everything for you.

Creating Images

First build the JAR file for the backend. Use the command gradle bootBuildImage inside backend folder.

The jar file will be created in: /backend/build/libs/firstspringapp-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Build Docker React and Spring Image

Then we need a docker for both frontend and backend.

Navigate into Frontend folder and run docker build -t knoph/formdesign-frontend:latest .

Navigate into Backend folder and run docker build -t knoph/formdesign-backend:latest .

You can test the image with the command: docker run -p 80:80 knoph/formdesign-frontend:latest and docker run -p 8080:8080 knoph/formdesign-backend:latest

Build the postgresql image

The backend uses postgresql, so we also need an image containing that one.

Run this to create an image for postgresql: docker create -v /var/lib/postgresql/data --name PostgresData alpine

Then run: docker run -p 5432:5432 --name postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=WR2WPMjrJUoB27 -d --volumes-from PostgresData postgres

In order to set up a postgresql database for test purpose, and a docker image. You can try and connect your formdesign-spring-docker image to the postgresql db in order to check that it is running.

This step is not crucial for the build process, only for your own test purpose.

Check that all images are there

Run docker image list -a

You should then see a list of images. And among them formdesign-frontend formdesign-backend and postgres

Creating the database.

To verify that the postgressql server runs. Open now pgadmin4 as an example. And connect to postgresql at localhost. The pssword should be WR2WPMjrJUoB27.

After connected create a new database: backendtest this is the database spring boot will connect to. When all this is done are you ready to move on.

You can now also stop the container with docker container stop postgres

Creating docker-compose.yml

In order to deploy the project as a full docker. We need to combine all the containers to one file. So when we dock it, it runs the frontend, backend and the postgresql server.

The docker-compose.yml do this for us.

To build run: docker-compose up from the folder where docker-compose.yml are located followed by: docker-compose up -build

Saving the file

Use these commands to save them to tar.

docker save -o ./formdesign-frontend.tar formdesign-frontend

docker save -o ./formdesign-backend.tar formdesign-backend

docker save -o ./postgres.tar postgres

You can send them to another machine/user and they can load the images with:

docker load -i ./formdesign-frontend.tar

docker load -i ./formdesign-backend.tar

docker load -i ./postgres.tar

To run, use the docker-compose.ym


Tripple check that the username, and password are the same in the composer file as it is in your application file for spring. The composer file should build the backendtest database and set correct password.