
where is my model?

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I'm a newbie in machine learning and I'm using the following script to train on my own dataset:
python scripts/ --num_res_blocks 3 --diffusion_steps 4000 --noise_schedule linear --lr 1e-4 --batch_size 2000 --task 0
But the model has been trained for three days, there is no sign of stopping, and the step has reached 1e+06, where can I find the model I trained?

The models and logs are saved to the directory at OPENAI_LOGDIR. If you want to save the model files to your desired folder, modify the varibale via export OPENAI_LOGDIR=...

We also refer to, where it is stated that "The logs and saved models will be written to a logging directory determined by the OPENAI_LOGDIR environment variable. If it is not set, then a temporary directory will be created in /tmp."