
Tests fail

Opened this issue · 1 comments

`python -m WiktionaryParser.tests.test
Testing "patronise" in English
Testing "test" in English

FAIL: test_multiple_languages (main.TestParser)

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\RMANCUSO00\Documents\progetti_miei\WiktionaryParser\tests\", line 24, in test_multiple_languages
self.assertEqual(DeepDiff(parsed_word, sample_output[lang][word], ignore_order=True), {})
AssertionError: {'values_changed': {"root['etymology']": {[1187 chars].'}}} != {}

Ran 1 test in 2.157s

FAILED (failures=1)`

I also don't understand what the test is supposed to test?

The test parses a fixed list of words in different languages and compares them against sampleOutput.json
Should be fixed in 6e26435