
Certificate and key is created in CWD, not in ~/.ssl-proxy

andoks opened this issue · 0 comments

Usage of ./ssl-proxy:
  -cert string
        path to a tls certificate file. If not provided, ssl-proxy will generate one for you in ~/.ssl-proxy/
  -domain string
        domain to mint letsencrypt certificates for. Usage of this parameter implies acceptance of the LetsEncrypt terms of service.
  -from string
        the tcp address and port this proxy should listen for requests on (default "")
  -key string
        path to a private key file. If not provided, ssl-proxy will generate one for you in ~/.ssl-proxy/
        if true, redirects http requests from port 80 to https at your fromURL
  -to string
        the address and port for which to proxy requests to (default "")

The help text says that the files will be created in ~/.ssl-proxy, but they are created in current working directory.