
Error when creating alert condition

Closed this issue · 3 comments


I'm trying to create the alert condition for the stream.
When I use the example form the documentation:

resource "graylog_alert_condition" "test-terraform" {
  type = "field_content_value"
  stream_id =
  title = "test"
  field_content_value_parameters = {
    field = "message"
    value = "hoge hoge"
    backlog = 1
    query = "*"
    grace = 0

I get error:

terraform plan 

Error: Unsupported argument

  on line 193, in resource "graylog_alert_condition" "test-terraform":
 193:   field_content_value_parameters = {

An argument named "field_content_value_parameters" is not expected here. Did
you mean to define a block of type "field_content_value_parameters"?

The same for other alert condition types.
I use terraform version 0.12.8 and plugin version 8.0.0.

BTW the same problem with alarm notifications.

Error: Unsupported argument

  on line 179, in resource "graylog_alarm_callback" "collaborate-api-errors":
 179:   slack_configuration = {

An argument named "slack_configuration" is not expected here. Did you mean to
define a block of type "slack_configuration"?

Maybe I do something wrong?

Thank you for your feedback.

Sorry but the example is invalid for Terraform v0.12 .
The example is for Terraform v0.11 .

Thank you, it of course solved this problem.