
Stream argument 'disabled' don't change stream status

Closed this issue · 4 comments


  • Terraform version: 0.11.14
  • Graylog version: v3.1.4+1149fe1 Docker
  • terraform-provider-graylog: graylog 10.0.1
  • OS (client side): Debian 10


When you specify disabled = true it shoud disabled the stream, and the opposite. Not working here either of options.

Expected behavior

Expected to obey of terraform resource to change the status of stream.

Actual behavior

No changing behavior, even if changed when running apply.

graylog_stream.stream_test: Modifying... (ID: 5e2189ae491a49001210bb78) disabled: "false" => "true"

How to reproduce

resource "graylog_index_set" "test" {
  title                               = "example"
  description                         = "Managed by Terraform"
  index_prefix                        = "prefix"
  rotation_strategy_class             = "org.graylog2.indexer.rotation.strategies.MessageCountRotationStrategy"
  retention_strategy_class            = "org.graylog2.indexer.retention.strategies.DeletionRetentionStrategy"
  description                         = "test 2"
  index_analyzer                      = "standard"
  index_optimization_disabled         = true
  writable                            = true
  shards                              = 4
  replicas                            = 0
  index_optimization_max_num_segments = 1
  field_type_refresh_interval         = 5000

  retention_strategy {
    max_number_of_indices = 5
    type                  = "org.graylog2.indexer.retention.strategies.DeletionRetentionStrategyConfig"

  rotation_strategy {
    max_docs_per_index = 20000
    max_size           = 0
    type               = "org.graylog2.indexer.rotation.strategies.MessageCountRotationStrategyConfig"

resource "graylog_stream" "stream_test" {
  title                              = "test"
  description                        = "Managed by Terraform"
  index_set_id                       = "${}"
  disabled                           = true
  matching_type                      = "AND"
  remove_matches_from_default_stream = true

Any help on this?
Am I doing something wrong?

Thank you for your feedback.
I'll check.

I could reproduce the bug and fixed it by #234.
I have released v1.0.2-1.
Please check.
If there is no problem, I'll release v1.0.2 later.

I could reproduce the bug and fixed it by #234.
I have released v1.0.2-1.
Please check.
If there is no problem, I'll release v1.0.2 later.

Thx! Solved on the new version that you deployed!
Thx for the fastest response and bug solve.

Great Job!