
Possible to convert historical readings?

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Is it possible to use what you've done here to process historical readings?

Maybe by cloning this repo and running at cmd line wih some mods? I see you are grabbing the latest reading scale.latest_records[0] (though I don't now how many you get as "latest").

I thought maybe something might be possible, thinking that maybe you test against a local CSV when you're doing dev. :)

I don't really understand what you want to do, get the history of measurements from wyze and inject the history in garmin ? or just get the history from wyze ?

Ha sorry... from Wyze into Garmin.

Basically I had this up and running great and then for some reason it stoped working about seven weeks ago. It's working again (slightly different yaml file now), but it's annoying me that I have a gap in that weight data in Connect. :)

FWIW, I handled this with a Jupyter notebook doing the processing a lot like you do... it's here in case it's useful to anyone. Some instructions along with the actual code.

@papakpmartin thanks for sharing, i think the rep is private.

Whoops! Fixed.