
Unable to access battery information

mkoakintomiwa opened this issue · 2 comments

Operating system: Windows

I got Unable to access battery information Error: Error { source: Kind(InvalidData), description: Some("Device rate value is unknown") } error: process didn't exit successfully: target\debug\battery.exe (exit code: 1) When i ran this:

extern crate battery;

use std::io;
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;

fn main() -> battery::Result<()> {
    let manager = battery::Manager::new()?;
    let mut battery = match manager.batteries()?.next() {
        Some(Ok(battery)) => battery,
        Some(Err(e)) => {
            eprintln!("Unable to access battery information");
            return Err(e);
        None => {
            eprintln!("Unable to find any batteries");
            return Err(io::Error::from(io::ErrorKind::NotFound).into());

    loop {
        println!("{:?}", battery);
        manager.refresh(&mut battery)?;

Hi, @mkoakintomiwa! Thank you for the bug report!

I managed to write a fix for it, can you test it? It's in the git branch right now, so you need to temporary replace your battery dependency in Cargo.toml with the following dependency:

battery = { git = "", branch = "issue-63" }

From what I understand, it can be reproduced when your laptop battery is fully charged and AC is plugged on, so your battery neither charging nor discharging.

I'm going to assume that 0d7b9e4 fixes this bug, so this issue is closed now. Thank you once again for the bug report!