
Rethink input type handling

wesharper opened this issue · 1 comments

I had an issue with number inputs and ran across #41. While coercion is possible on the zod side, it's not well documented within Formsnap and it feels strange. A potential solution could be to use proxies based on an input's type attribute. For instance, <Form.Input type="number" /> would add a number proxy with sensible defaults.

This would have the added benefit of gracefully being able to handle other types like file, date, etc.

This will be improved by #131.

The plan at the moment is to get rid of the Input components and just provide attributes for them via slot props from the field.

Something along these lines:

<form use:form.enhance method="POST">
	<Form.Field {form} name="firstName" let:attrs>
		<Form.Label>First Name</Form.Label>
		<input {...attrs} bind:value={$}  />
		<Form.Description>Enter your first name</Form.Description>
		<Form.Validation />

The superForm instance would be created by you and you'd have greater control over some of the things I originally thought were a good idea to abstract away.