
Possible use for KatSearch

concept10 opened this issue · 3 comments

I've just pondered the best use of this app for my use case:

  • Start by tagging files and folders for relevant work

  • Search macOS APFS/HFS/mounted drives for all files and create array object with contents

  • Use this collected metadata to move the tagged files/folder to predefined fs paths for organization.

Maybe I could string these actions together using Shortcuts but rather use swift or other newer lang.

Any tips/suggestions?

Why does that workflow require KatSearch specifically?

Seems possible using mdfind, Hazel, Folder Actions, Automator, etc.

@gingerbeardman It doesn't specifically require KatSearch, of course. Looking for insight on using tools from your suite. The best I've found. I personally keep large repository of open source projects for use in industry running about 50 storage pools and trying to find best way to organize it all.

You may close this issue as it probably would have been better as discussion.