
Create a page/section on the website for Svelte Sirens

kevmodrome opened this issue · 4 comments

We need this! 🥳

Sweet, I might do this instead of working on the website this weekend.

Kind of curious where everyone thinks this should live though. Could just be listed under Societies around the World on the Events page or maybe just a blurb that links to the page in the Home page paragraph?

Yeah I'm not sure, could be a top level category as well 🤔 I'm open to pretty much everything here I think.

A top level category would disrupt the 'balance' it has now A B C Logo D E F which feels nice, if we add the sirens there as well one side will have more elements which is always a bit weird.

On the home page you get into the same problem if you make it one of the 6 already there 🙂 so you could mention it in the texts above or below (where Svelte Summit is mentioned).

I would for sure put it on top of the Societies around the world though, before the Europe section.