
Remove Tailwind and set up a design system using css custom properties

kevmodrome opened this issue ยท 4 comments

This is a quite a big one but it needs to be done to make it easier in the future.

  • Add proper CSS custom properties for regular use (colors, grays, sizing, elevation, shadows)
  • Define common styles for headings (h1, h2, h3, etc.) and other common elements
  • Remove Tailwind (including all the preprocessing and files)

Edit: changed title to not be so rude.

Going to try and get the basics of this set up for structure today so if anyone wants to help, they will have a good starting point. I was going to set up some aliases, do you care if it's @ or $?

I think $ makes most sense. You're thinking about doing a $components thing?

Yes, I usually use @ because it reads better, but I can set them up as $ because it's more standard to Svelte.

Here is a link to view the Figma file, once you view it I can change the collaborators to be able to edit the file.

Figma - Svelte Society