Franken UI is an HTML-first, open-source library of UI components that works as a standalone or as a Tailwind CSS plugin. It is compatible with UIkit 3. The design is influenced by shadcn/ui.
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uk-icon duplication
#31 opened by Isaac-Flath - 1
postcss config for media query
#34 opened by medfata - 3
#30 opened by ainsleyclark - 1
Example html pages
#29 opened by Dixith-dev - 0
Franken UI on
#24 opened by pietz - 1
- 1
Link not working in dropdown
#38 opened by vbrvk - 0
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uk-select `error` attribute does nothing
#28 opened by BeMoreDog - 6
uk-select not rendered correctly on Svelte
#22 opened by codenoid - 2
Documentation website looks horrible on Safari
#26 opened by sveltecult - 1
Components request
#25 opened by bevenky - 2
Grid adds left padding to it's content?
#21 opened by envas - 1
Select - Combobox Mode Search box case
#18 opened by ubermanl - 4
Introduction Doc UI has no left spaces
#11 opened by coder-abdo - 3
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Installation Guide on Laravel Blade
#15 opened by mariio46 - 2
- 1
cdn link for blue theme is broken
#13 opened by sangyongjung - 5
Alert component
#10 opened by eydun - 1
Select support
#9 opened by wilianmaique - 1
Combobox Support
#8 opened by DaanVervacke - 1
How can I help?
#6 opened by wildeyes - 3
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Sortable issue
#3 opened by yznts - 1
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Success or Warning classes not working
#7 opened by ubermanl - 1
Support for unocss ?
#4 opened by ManUtopiK - 3