
Change auto thread generated name

ghostdevv opened this issue · 5 comments

This is based on the ideas from this thread. Currently all auto threads are generated with the name Discussion , here are my ideas to make this better:

  • GitPod Discord Style:
    Generate the name based on the content

  • Generate name based on link url

  • Generate name based on metadata of link url and fallback to just url (has overhead)

What do you think? @pngwn @gtm-nayan

pngwn commented

I wonder if there is a way to work out if the link metadata is useful and if not fall back to the first option?

Do you have an example? @pngwn

pngwn commented

I think I'm mostly concerned about hello world repls. But maybe the first option will be the safest?

Yea that would be annoying, it's tricky for sure. The first option is definitely the easiest but would be nice to guess links. Looking through showcase there doesn't seem to be any hello worlds. If we explore the idea of auto threading in other channels like the help ones then definately message based imo

People want this issue pushed through so going to send over a pr for this. Since we don't auto thread in help channels yet I will make the format that it reads from the meta of the link or uses the link itself. When we have help channels we can go with option one like gitpod uses