Dealing with external svelte components
kaisermann opened this issue · 3 comments
Since we're excluding /node_modules/
from the svelte-loader
, what's the best way to use external svelte components like svelte-routing?
Adding a negative lookahead to the exclusion rule kinda works, but can we assume that every svelte component/package will have the svelte
test: /\.(html|svelte)$/,
exclude: /node_modules\/(?!svelte)/,
I actually hit this earlier today. I just removed the exclude
field altogether in the project I'm working on. The svelte-
prefix assumption is probably reasonable, but I don't know if I'd consider it watertight.
This just got me :)
Why exclude node_modules? We're entering a world now where there are a fair few third-party svelte components.
Perhaps there should be a recommendation that Svelte components generally use a .svelte suffix, since .html causes Svelte to break in Parcel bundler, too. Im assuming that Vue uses .vue so that there aren't headaches like this.