
Unable to serve localhost

RafaelLiendo opened this issue · 4 comments

Following the docs to create a new App and run on localhost

npx degit sveltejs/template svelte-app
cd svelte-app
npm install
npm run dev
  Your application is ready~! �

  - Local:      http://localhost:5000
  - Network:    Add `--host` to expose

but, there's going on localhost:5000

Maybe another process using the same port? let's see...

netstat -ano | findstr :5000

Nope, no other process there...

Try to change the port?

"scripts": {
  "build": "rollup -c",
  "dev": "rollup -c -w",
-  "start": "sirv public",
+  "start": "sirv public --port 4200",
  "validate": "svelte-check"
npm run dev
  Your application is ready~! �

  - Local:      http://localhost:4200     
  - Network:    Add `--host` to expose    

Nope =/ still nothing.

Maybe run as Admin? Nope =/

Run with --host?

"scripts": {
  "build": "rollup -c",
  "dev": "rollup -c -w",
-  "start": "sirv public",
+  "start": "sirv public --host",
  "validate": "svelte-check"
  Your application is ready~! �

  - Local:       
  - Network: 

Yes! Finally works on, but still dosen't

I've also tried this solution
#148 (comment)
but didn't work =/

I'm using:
OS: windows 10 64
Node: v12.18.3

GitHub issues aren't the right place for support questions like this. Please ask on StackOverflow or in our Discord chat room.

Sorry, but this is not a StackOverflow question.
The sirv-cli package is not working as intended. It fails to serve on localhost.

Im with @RafaelLiendo - this is a legitimate bug and not a StackOverflow question. I simply follow the instructions as described:

npx degit sveltejs/template svelte-app
cd svelte-app
npm install
npm run dev

and I get a blank page with 404s for all the files:

Your application is ready~! 🚀

────────────────── LOGS ──────────────────

[23:38:12] 404 ─ 1.14ms ─ /build/bundle.css
[23:38:12] 404 ─ 0.09ms ─ /build/bundle.js
[23:38:15] 404 ─ 0.15ms ─ /build/bundle.css
[23:39:12] 404 ─ 0.12ms ─ /build/bundle.css
[23:39:12] 404 ─ 0.11ms ─ /build/bundle.js
[23:39:14] 200 ─ 1.43ms ─ /
[23:39:14] 404 ─ 0.13ms ─ /build/bundle.css
[23:39:14] 404 ─ 0.08ms ─ /build/bundle.js
[23:39:14] 200 ─ 0.32ms ─ /favicon.png

http-server worked for me, just installed it and changed sirv for http-server on npm run start