
Default clearScreen to false

anonimusprogramus opened this issue ยท 2 comments

Expected Behavior:

Running npm run dev should make both Sirv and Rollup output some infos to screen.

Actual Behavior:

As soon as Sirv output infos, Rollup's infos covering it.


Please add watch: { clearScreen: false } as default in rollup.config.js, so new user can see what port Svelte's running.

I also have submitted this issue in Rollup repo.

I can provide some justification:
Quite often when I have an error and want to scroll up to see what's going on I discover the terminal is not responding to scrolling, instead it just outputs bunch of commands I entered previously or key/scroll input codes (as in this gif below, might add the one with commands print when I encounter it again).


This is known issue for rollup and people indeed suggest adding watch: { clearScreen: false }. Don't know if that has any downsides though (never used rollup before Svelte)

This kind of annoying little things are quite important for developer experience. It took me some time to google around and find what is wrong, but newcomer might just say "screw it" and go learn React ๐Ÿ™‚

Solved via 3694022 ๐ŸŽ‰