
Project Status Question

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Is this still an active project?

Hi Steven, no it is not actively maintained.
But OTOH it doesn't contain a whole lot of code, so if you are interested in using it, you could just for fork it and maintain it yourself.

Also note that some parts/ideas of it have been picked up by FXDiagram (active annotation @fxproperty, operators for Properties).

@svenefftinge It is promoted on the main page of as a feature of xtend, kind of... But if somebody will check it out, she will get a broken project. Isn't it embarrassing to have something broken on the front page? Just a little fix in pom.xml will do the job, yet my pull request from 2014 is still hanging...
I am just saying, if you refuse even to correct some dependencies in pom.xml, may be you should consider removing it from Needless to say that we would prefer it to get some little maintenance instead :)

You are right. It should at least work with the latest version.