
Doesn't work in Rails 3.2.0.rc1!

Closed this issue · 16 comments

I get this lovely error:

/Users/parndt/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p0/gems/routing-filter-0.2.4/lib/routing_filter/adapters/rails_3.rb:17:in 'filters': undefined method 'filters' for #Journey::Routes:0x007fa7b5ad2d98 (NoMethodError)

hrmmm, i guess that's what you get for doing monster monkey patches :)

wanna give it a try?

Honestly I looked first and then filed the issue. :-)

I've done some initial work to make routing-filter compatible with the new journey router in rails 3.2 - you can see/add/help with the process in my fork using the rails-3.2 branch. With a vey small test application using the pagination and locale filters everything seems to work ok, but I'm battling testing errors on every corner so i'm not too sure about the whole suite.

I've got test failures on 2.3.14 (must be unrelated to my patches), 3.0 is ok, 3.1 and 3.2 don't want to run the testsuite currently.

Gonna submit this as pull request as soon as i'm confident i've whipped everything into shape.

I think I've whipped everything into shape, tests are all green on ruby 1.8.7, ruby 1.9.2 and ruby 1.9.3 for rails 2.3, 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2

I've sent pull requests #32, #33 and #34 for the different stuff (rails 2.3 bug, test suite and rails 3.2 compatibility)

@yabawock wow, thank you for all this work.

i'm currently super busy with travis ci and other things. so if you were interested i'd just add you as a collaborator and you could apply these fixes yourself? wdyt?

@svenfuchs I'd be honored

@yabawock my pleasure :)

welcome on board!

I've merge all fixes into the master branch, so everything should be ok for your Rails 3.2 application. Please go ahead, bundle from master and give it a try.


I will make a gem with beta suffix as soon as possible.


I've pushed routing-filter-0.3.0.beta. Please check if it works well.

Also I wrote CHANGELOG. Modify it if necessary.

I've updated an app of mine to Rails 3.2.0.rc1 today and all tests are green and a quick check in the browser didn't reveal any oddities either.



I will remove beta from the version number around 10th January and publish it as a gem if no serious issues are reported.

@kuroda thank you so much!


Don't mention it! I enjoy making and publishing gems.

I have published a new gem routing-filter-0.3.0. Check it out!