
Set :include_default_locale to true ignored

Closed this issue · 5 comments


I use gem version 0.5.0 and rails 4.3.2. If I set RoutingFilter::Locale.include_default_locale = true (in config/initializers/routing_filter.rb) in the response header the url is without locale. Any idea how to include locale in the response header url?

The request has localhost:3000/en/test but if I print out request.url in the controller action, I get localhost:3000/test! Why?

This commit solves the problem and works for me: gauda@6595ae1

@svenfuchs please add this to the latest stable version. Thx.

simi commented

@phlegx hello. This is merged into master. Can you try master and close this issue if that's working for you now! I will release new version if you confirm this. Thanks!

@simi I use this gauda@6595ae1 and it is the same as your commit. So, it works. Please release.

simi commented

It's out my lord!

Yupppiiii 👍