Use of pgcrypto, can't call crypt?
pidu opened this issue · 24 comments
I'm attempting to use pgcrypto, specifically this: select crypt('password', gen_salt('bf'))
and I'm unable to make it work. I've tried with prepared statements and formatted statements alike trying to replace 'bf' with a parameter $2 and trying to just leave it inline with the single quotes escaped like so: gen_salt(''bf'')
. I thought this would be straightforward but I'm a bit stumped.
Hmm, it works for me (after installing the extension).
First command line psql:
sven=# create extension pgcrypto;
sven=# select crypt('password', gen_salt('bf'));
(1 row)
Now via P3:
"a P3Client(psql://sven@localhost:5432/)"
self isWorking.
(self query: 'select crypt(''password'', gen_salt(''bf''))') firstColumnData.
((self format: 'select crypt($1, gen_salt($2))') query: #('password' 'bf')) firstColumnData. "#('$2a$06$i1F0NmhodqeufqZM134mUutBq6L1hIN0FbebXCrsKUfaj4.ANsFSS')"
What is the exact Pharo code that you are running ?
(P3Client new url: 'psql://postgres@localhost/testdb') in: [ :client |
[ client query: 'select crypt(''password'', gen_salt(''bf''))' ]
ensure: [ client close ] ].
Other queries succeed, just no luck with crypt
I think you did not install the extension, you can query the available/installed extensions with
select * from pg_available_extensions;
The error that you get is the same one I got command line psql before I installed the extension.
What do you get from
self query: 'select * from pg_available_extensions where installed_version is not null'.
I get two installed extensions (plpgsql & pgcrypto).
Maybe both extensions are required. At least it might not work if plpgsql is not there.
Then I don't know.
We have the same version (more or less).
self serverVersion "'9.6.13'"
Also, your error says 'gen_salt' does not exist, not 'crypto'.
Do all unit tests pass ? In particular, #testSqlFunction ?
@astares that does seem quite strange indeed
but still, he says command line psql works ...
maybe extensions are defined per database ? hopefully not by session
One more datapoint: trying to create pgcrypto extension from within pharo complains that it already exists (as one would expect). I am clueless...
What if you inspect the function via the system catalog ?
(self query: 'select oid, proname, prosrc,probin from pg_proc where proname=''gen_salt''') firstRecord.
"#(35325 'gen_salt' 'pg_gen_salt' '$libdir/pgcrypto')"
#(539626 'gen_salt' 'pg_gen_salt' '$libdir/pgcrypto')
I've copied your example and it still won't run for me, I'll retry in a clean image to make sure there is nothing else interfering.
Same thing in stock pharo image (7, 64bit) with just P3 added. My postgresql runs in docker, but I don't see how that would be a problem.
Yes, maybe, restarting postgres might be good too.
I really don't understand what is going on.
Maybe someone else should also try this.
I am on macOS using 64-bit Pharo 7.0.3 BTW.
Yes, I see no major differences either, strange.
You are running as user postgres instead of as a local user, but that is probably not important.
The #testChronology failure is probably related to your database being in UTC.
I finally figured it out. My database had an additional schema (apart from public) and I created the extension in this schema by accident. Therefore when running crypt() in the console it worked because the schema was in effect. But running through P3/pharo I accessed the public schema and there the crypt and gen_salt functions where undefined.
Lesson learned, beware in what schema to run create extension
. Incidentally when creating the extension in the public schema there is no need to qualify schema when using crypt() in the non-public schema.
Thanks for all the help, and sorry about wasting your time!
OK, thx for the feedback.
I guess we should have done a
select current_schema()
on the connection to figure this out.