
Reset in P3Client>>connect drop password

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Just a few minutes in to trying P3. After doing...
Metacello new
baseline: 'P3';
repository: 'github://svenvc/P3';

(P3Client new url: 'psql://postgres:xxxxx@localhost:5432/nyc_data') in: [ :client |
[ client isWorking ] ensure: [ client close ] ].
produces... "P3Error PostgreSQL Password required"

Tracing through, in P3CLient>>connect I find...
self ==> a P3Client(psql://postgres:xxxxxx@localhost:5432/nyc_data)
before sending #reset, and after...
self ==> a P3Client(psql://localhost:5432/)

Now it works if I comment out "self reset".

This was already noted and fixed in #2 which I just integrated and tested OK for me. Can you confirm ?

Thanks for the report.

I confirm that fixes the problem and close this issue. btw, the changes look low risk and probably worth rolling out to Baseline. I added a side-thought to #2.