
Invalid markup in HTML example document

superfine opened this issue · 1 comments

The HTML example document incorrectly renders the closing tag of the <svg> as </shapes> instead of </svg>. Can I fix this myself somehow? Thanks.

    <li title="icon-s-twitter">
          <div class="icon-box">
            <!-- icon-s-twitter -->
            <svg viewBox="0 0 70 70" class="cwt-icon-s-twitter-dims">
              <use xlink:href="#icon-s-twitter"></use>

My grunt file:

grunt.config.set('svg_sprite', {
    sprites: {
      expand: true,
      cwd: 'src/img/svg/',
      src: ['**/*.svg'],
      dest: 'src/img/',
      options: {
        shape: {
          spacing: {
            padding: 0,
            box: 'padding'
        mode: {
          defs: {
            dest: 'sprites',
            layout: 'vertical',
            prefix: '.cwt-%s',
            sprite: 'svg/sprites.svg',
            bust: true,
            inline: true,
            example: {
              dest: 'sprites.html'
jkphl commented

@superfine First of all sorry for the late reply! This is in fact a bug in svg-sprite and I created an issue for it over there. It's going to be fixed in the next release (which I expect to come soon).