
Unwanted frame with sections

Opened this issue · 9 comments

Inspite of my repeated tries, I am not able to remove the unwanted slide with sections

I assume you're referring to the table of contents slide?

Can you post some type of image as to what you're referring? It's tough to gauge what's happening without it.

Without something to look at, my best guess is you're referencing the table of contents slide. There is no option for that slide (though I might as well include one). There toc: doesn't do anything in this template as it might for others.

If you'd like to delete it, go here and delete/move lines 368-370.

The code around line 247 should be canceling out the code around 123. Basically, my approach to most LaTeX templates is to take the raw template and add stuff to it---even if adding stuff to it undoes some stuff. The default template (that comes via Pandoc/R Markdown) has lots of goodies and it's hard to keep track of what does what and what are the implications for removing things. So, I choose to add things afterward, even if the addition is a form of subtraction.