
Background color is black

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I don't know whether this is intended behavior or if I'm doing something wrong. The theme sets the background color to black.


I even tried it in a clean nvim config using only init.lua:

The result is the same.

The background color is set to the solarized background color when I do this using colorbuddy'Normal', colors.base0, colors.base03, styles.NONE)'NormalNC', colors.base0:dark(), colors.base03, styles.NONE)


(although notice the line number 1 background is still black)

The issue appears in all terminals when using nvim (wezterm, gnome-terminal, black box). It also appears in neovide.

nvim --version v0.8.0

My guess would be that your terminal is not properly setup for true color, but I could be wrong.

Run one of the tests described here to test for support:

Ok, so did some testing. If I change my terminal background from the solarized background color to black, I see the same thing you do, so this colorscheme is making some assumptions.

Should probably add some code to optionally? set the appropriate background colors for those not running a solarized terminal or using an embedded neovim.

LineNr is the one you're missing, I think.

You might try:'LineNr', colors.base01, colors.base03, styles.NONE)

But may be a few others.

My guess would be that your terminal is not properly setup for true color, but I could be wrong.

Run one of the tests described here to test for support:


> echo $TERM

Ok, so did some testing. If I change my terminal background from the solarized background color to black, I see the same thing you do, so this colorscheme is making some assumptions.

Should probably add some code to optionally? set the appropriate background colors for those not running a solarized terminal or using an embedded neovim.

That would be awesome, I don't know the correct highlight groups to set, unfortunately.'LineNr', colors.base01, colors.base03, styles.NONE)

I'll add that one, thanks.

Same issue here. The fix also works.

Should be fixed if you update to the latest commit and set `background_set' to true in the neosolarized setup function.