
Enables node hostname resolution in PKS clusters

Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated (TKGI) / PKS Azure DNS Resolution

What does this do?

This will ensure that TKGI/PKS clusters on Azure have nodes that can be resolved by BOSH DNS. This is useful if you bring your own DNS server (not Azure DNS).

Requires Ops Manager 2.5.30+, 2.6.16+, 2.7.7+, 2.8.0+ (specifically it needs BOSH DNS 1.15+)

How do I install it?

  1. Open a shell prompt on a BOSH CLI with access to your PKS bosh director, such as Ops Manager.
  2. Export your BOSH credentials to the enviornment. These can be accessed via the Ops Manager GUI -> BOSH Director Tile -> Credentials Tab -> Bosh Commandline Credentials.


export BOSH_CLIENT=ops_manager BOSH_CLIENT_SECRET=fakesecret BOSH_CA_CERT=/var/tempest/workspaces/default/root_ca_certificate  BOSH_ENVIRONMENT=
  1. Copy or clone this repository onto this BOSH CLI workstation and create+upload the BOSH release to the director
git clone https://github.com/svrc-pivotal/pks-azure-dns-nodes && cd pks-azure-dns-nodes
git submodule init ; git submodule update
cd os-conf-release
bosh create-release --force
bosh upload-release ./dev_releases/os-conf/os-conf-21.0.0+dev.1.yml

  1. Configure the addon from this repo
cd ..
bosh -n update-config --name=pks-azure-dns --type=runtime ./addon.yml
  1. Update your PKS clusters via the PKS CLI and/or Ops Manager "Apply Pending Changes" button with the PKS upgrade errand enabled. This addon will automatically be installed on all master and worker nodes with the default manifest addon.yml